Casey Moore
Casey Moore is a British / NZ photographer based in London and Melbourne. Born in Invercargill, New Zealand, raised from the age of three in Switzerland and later London, Moore’s work explores narratives tied to the natural world, pattern, and connectivity.
Casey’s analogue compositions layer overflowing exposures of flowers, plants and artefacts creating unique and complex botanical landscapes with a life of their own. His trained eye beautifully balances the dense arrangements in contrast with the delicate nature of the subjects in a powerful and painterly canvas.
Since he started shooting this botanical series in 2018, Casey has travelled the world capturing these infinite ephemeral moments in time.
"I've always been drawn to looking at the world through a lens. It's like visiting another dimension. I feel that childlike fascination every time I look through my camera. By making my prints as large as possible, I want to reconnect with that child in me that saw wonder everywhere. Quantum physics tells us that at the level of energy everything is connected, and I explore this through my photographs, making a bridge between the empirical and spiritual. Through enlarging and bringing to life the world up close, I can see that everything at one level or another, is linked." - Casey Moore
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Beauty & Terror - A Group Exhibition
We're excited to present ‘Beauty & Terror’ - The exhibition invites our artists to interpret themes inspired by a quote by Austrian poet and novelist Rainer Maria Rilke from 'Go to the Limits of Your Longing': “Let everything happen to you, beauty and terror, no feeling is final.”
“It was after reading more of Rilke’s writing that I gathered these works together as I feel they tread a line between the flower as a celebrated fact of nature and something more ephemeral and human, destined to last only for a short while.” - Casey Moore