Book an Art Advisory Consultation - Tuesday 8th April at The Surprise, Chelsea


Maarten van den Bos

Maarten van den Bos (b.1982, Holland) is a London based artist. In 2012 he graduated from Chelsea College of Art with a MA (Hons) in Fine Art. His works have been shown at the Institute of Contemporary Art, London; Saatchi Gallery, London; Oriel Davies Gallery, Wales; Spike Island, Bristol; Appels Gallery, Amsterdam; Ron Mandos Gallery, Amsterdam; A.P.T Gallery, London, House of the Nobleman, London and Studio Ashby, London, among others. His works were part of the 2013 Bloomberg New Contemporaries and has been published within Emergent Magazine; The Independent; Nom de Strip and has appeared on various websites including Winsor and Newton, Art Lyst and Galleries Now. His works are part of the Soho House collection in Barcelona, Spain and part of various private collections in the UK and abroad.

Shop by Collection

The Open Call Winners Collection 2024

“In my paintings I am interested in weaving together elements of anatomy and botany. The works serve as an explorative mediation of the relationship between growth and chaos, the boundaries between self and environment blur, each painting becomes a landscape to be explored. The vivid and gestural mark making creates potent signifiers, hinting at the underlying dialogue between my lived experiences and the natural world, creating rich tapestries of organic materialities and forms.” - Maarten van den Bos, Autumn Drop 2024

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